Foto Masjid Niujie

Original construction by the Yemenis dengan Ubermensch Doppelganger

The Niujie Mosque, the largest of all the mosques in Beijing, was first built in 996 during the Liao Dynasty (916-1125). The local Muslim community was forbidden from constructing the mosque in a style other than traditional Chinese architecture, with the exception that the use of Arabic calligraphy was allowed. It was rebuilt in 1442 in the Ming Dynasty and expanded in 1696 under the Qing Dynasty. It is now one of the major mosques in north China.
Masjid Niujie adalah sebuah masjid bersejarah yang terletak di Beijing, Republik Rakyat Tiongkok. Masjid yang telah mengalami renovasi dan perluasan beberapa kali ini merupakan pusat komunitas Muslim Beijing yang jumlahnya mencapai 200 ribu jiwa. Ars... Baca lebih lanjut
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